Robert Cremins reviews Houstonian Emily Fox Gordon's new book in the Houston Chronicle. It begins: "Houston's Emily Fox Gordon is the author of the acclaimed memoirs Mockingbird Years and Are You Happy? With It Will Come to Me she makes a largely successful transition to the novel genre. The book is a gentle, knowing satire set on the "quiet Southern campus" of the Lola Dees Institute in Spangler, Texas. Fifty-six-year-old Ruth Blau feels both "trapped and excluded" by her life as a faculty wife. A novelist with a Texas-size writer's block, modestly hoping for "a little glitter, a little transcendence," Ruth is quietly scandalized by the docility of the brainy student body and the vapidity of the college administrators, who nudge her into the marvelously titled "Tapestry Task Force Mission Statement Working Group."" Read more at |
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