The Bookshelf, The Parlor, The Young Texas Reader, and the Monthly

The Texas Bookshelf is different from the The Texas Parlor, . The Texas Parlor carries "general" bookish information and non-book information and even different Texana news and notes of use to the bibliographically challenged and other nosey folks intersted in historical, literary, and cultural observations. Will's Texana Monthly may carry material from either blog, but extends itself beyond those, especially for longer compilations or treatments. The Monthly, the Bookshelf and the Parlor are all companions. So, is the Young Texas Reader which specialized on books and such things for the youngest to the teenagers.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Peyote Milkshake Review etc

The Shepherdess at the Literary Lion Bookstore in downtown Stephenville ( )  has a blog on her other MySpace spot.
She mentions in the blog a nest of poets under the title The Peyote Milkshake Review, a local poetry zine published by uber-lionhead Mike Snyder
Click her Yakshepherdess MySpace, then click on "View all blog entries," go to July 7, 2008 for further info on the Review
The photo there should be enough to bring the lot in for treading on Darth Vader's bad reputation.
On a separate note, upstairs from the Lion is the

Lone Star Library

operated by Bob Dunn who self-describes his venture as "Combine one of the last of the full-service, family-owned bookstores with a huge, privately-owned collection of Texana, and something great is bound to happen. The Literary Lion, located in beautiful downtown Stephenville, Texas, has graciously provided space on the second floor of its century-old building to house the Lone Star Library. The Lone Star Library is open to the public, free of charge, during regular business hours. The collection covers all aspects of materials used to tell the story of the people and places that make up The Great State of Texas."